Welcome to our new site.

After a lot of work and many delays we are glad to announce the launch of the new Avatar UK Limited website. We have revised the site to take advantages of the latest internet technologies and to showcase the services we offer and the wide range of customers we offer those services to.
In addition we wanted to be able to have this blog area where we can offer advice and bring issues of concern to the attention of our clients from an easily accessible site that avoids the need to pester you with bulk emails. This area also gives our clients to opportunity to feedback and discuss the issues we bring to your attention and highlight to us any area that you may require additional help with.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Ian Vale from www.icefire.eu with his invaluable help in the design of the site and to all those clients who very kindly offered Testimonials to be included on the site and for the very kind things they said about us.
In the coming weeks and months we hope to be adding new useful functionality and integration with social media services like Twitter in order to offer our clients even more ways to get in contact should you need to.
Meanwhile please browse around the new site and feel free to feedback any comments or suggestions that you may have.